Are You Making This Simple Mistake with Your Thermostat?
Saving money on heating bills is a big deal for homes in a place that gets as cold in the winter as the Twin Cities. If you’ve already lived here for even a single winter, you know how high heating costs rise when the tempe
Read moreHow to Keep a Gas Furnace Running Safely in Winter
The most common kind of heating system in homes is the gas furnace. Here in Minnesota, where we endure some incredibly tough winter weather every season, gas furnaces are especially popular because of their immense heating po
Read moreHunting for Superior Home Heating? Go with In-Floor Radiant Heating!
There was a time when most homes had one basic choice when it came to winter heating: a furnace. A home with a gas line used a natural gas furnace, and one without used an electric furnace. But today new homes have a variety
Read moreAvoid a Minnesota Winter Catastrophe with Heating Maintenance
At the start of September, we wrote a post discussing making arrangements for heating maintenance during the coming fall. Fall has arrived, and if you haven’t yet called our professionals and signed up for your heating m
Read moreIs There Any Reason to Choose a Boiler for Home Heating?
Last week we wrote about why we recommend that homeowners opt for a gas-powered furnace (where possible) over an electric one. But furnaces of any type aren’t the only choice that you have when you’re considering a syste
Read moreWhy We Recommend Using Gas Furnaces for Home Heating
If you’re preparing for the winter with the installation of a heating system for your home, you have a number of choices. Most homes use a furnace, but not all furnaces are the same. The majority of furnaces run off either
Read moreAnswering Some Common Questions about Heating Maintenance
This week we’re emphasizing the importance of having fall HVAC maintenance done to take care of your heating system. This is often called preventive maintenance because it prevents malfunctions and even complete breakdown
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