How to Keep a Gas Furnace Running Safely in Winter
The most common kind of heating system in homes is the gas furnace. Here in Minnesota, where we endure some incredibly tough winter weather every season, gas furnaces are especially popular because of their immense heating po
Read moreIs There Any Reason to Choose a Boiler for Home Heating?
Last week we wrote about why we recommend that homeowners opt for a gas-powered furnace (where possible) over an electric one. But furnaces of any type aren’t the only choice that you have when you’re considering a syste
Read moreHow You Can Help Dehumidify Your Home
Humidity is a major problem for homes in Minneapolis-St. Paul at this time of year. Excess moisture levels in a house don’t just come from the outdoor environment; they also come from inside sources. When relative humidity
Read moreWarning Noises You May Hear from Your Air Conditioning System
We are not yet in the era when complex artificial intelligence computers can quickly diagnose problems in an air conditioning system and warn you about them, along with specifics about how they need to be repaired. There are
Read moreReasons to Consider Ductless Air Conditioning
When people think of central air conditioning for a home, what usually comes to mind is what’s known as a split system, where an outdoor condenser connects to an indoor evaporator. The indoor unit sends cooled air into a v
Read moreCan’t I Take Care of Duct Sealing with Duct Tape?
It’s unfortunate that the common cloth-backed tape people can purchase in stores is commonly known as duct tape, because this has led to some major misunderstandings. “Duct tape” isn’t actually useful for ducts at al
Read moreIs a Heat Pump a Good Option for My Home?
Minnesota experiences an extreme range of weather conditions during the year. Right now we’re in the middle of warm weather with high humidity, but at the end of the year we’ll be deep in an extremely cold winter. Your ho
Read moreWhy Can’t My Air Conditioning System Keep Up When It’s Hot?
We’ll start off today’s blog with a bit of AC trivia: the first completely air conditioned home was built right here in Minneapolis. It was a mansion for millionaire Charles Gate, heir to the barbed wire fortune. But Mr.
Read moreHow Soon Will My Air Conditioner Run Out of Refrigerant?
The modern air conditioner is a complex type of refrigeration equipment, and it takes years of special training to know how to install, repair, and maintain one. However, it’s easy to teach someone the basics of how an AC w
Read moreProblems Your AC Might Face without Maintenance
Last week we posted a blog to remind our readers it’s time to have their air conditioning systems professionally maintained. Summer’s here, and the temperatures going to rise steeply through July, but there’s still time
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